One of the key elements of the Collective Impact approach is the idea of a strong backbone organization, one that is accountable for supporting the shared vision, metrics, collaboration, and communications that make collective efforts possible.

Thus far, Eastside Pathways has pushed forward supported by volunteer efforts on the part of dozens of committed individuals, as well as the willing engagement of our now 32 partner organizations. The addition of Stephanie Cherrington as Operations Officer will add substantially to the capacity of the backbone to support our collective work.

Stephanie’s background is amazingly suited for this position. She has private sector experience, working in communications and operations for local leaders in the cellular industry. She also served for six years as the Executive Director of Explorations in Math, a Seattle-based non-profit focused on supporting math success in elementary schools.  Finally, for the past eight months or so, Stephanie has been serving as the volunteer facilitator for the Eastside Pathways goal group focused on ensuring physical and mental health and safety.

As Operations Officer, Stephanie is has a range of responsibilities covering communications, operations and volunteer and stakeholder support. Her first tasks are to reach out to those leaders that are most directly engaged in this work and make sure our plans and priorities are in sync.  If you have comments or suggestions for Stephanie, please get in touch!


Written by Bill Henningsgaard, Eastside Pathways Executive Director, and Board Chair.