In 1994, the City of Bellevue first established a cultural diversity initiative to help our community understand, appreciate and celebrate diversity. A document called the Cultural Diversity Task Force Report was produced and served as a guideline for a series of programs, strategies, and events that have guided the city for nearly 20 years.

Since 1994, Bellevue has changed dramatically and today is even more distinguished by its rich and growing diversity. Currently, the city is 41% ethnically diverse and that is just the tip of the demographic iceberg.

In Bellevue schools, 48% of students are Caucasian and there are over 80 languages spoken. In addition, one out of three Bellevue residents is foreign-born and the older adult population has increased from 13% in 2000 to 14 % in 2010. Bellevue’s diversity initiative supports people of all cultures, languages, classes, races, ethnic backgrounds, abilities, age, religions, genders, and sexual orientation.

A closer look at the Diversity Initiative

To further develop the Bellevue Diversity Initiative, the city is currently leading the development of an updated Bellevue Diversity Plan that will steer diversity efforts over the next several years.

The Bellevue Diversity Plan will further outline the city’s leadership role in building community and leveraging the city’s diversity. The initiative has six primary focus areas: Education, Public Safety, Cultural Competence, Civic Engagement, Human Services and Economic Development. The diversity initiative spreads throughout the organizational structure, with all city departments involved at various levels in coordinating programs, activities and events that address diversity.

This initiative is both internal and external in nature. A cross-departmental staff team, working under the guidance of the city’s Leadership Team (city managers and department directors), is currently analyzing how the City of Bellevue can continue to improve as a culturally competent service provider. The cross-departmental staff team and smaller focus area teams have begun leading workshops on cultural competence. Both teams are working to increase outreach to all areas of the community while developing programs that will engage city departments, officials and staff. Another priority is building networks and working with community organizations, businesses, faith groups, nonprofits, and schools, all of which are seen as key players and potential partners. The teams are making connections with everyday people and are also working to identify and support future community leaders to help meet the objectives of the work.

Recent History

To date, work on the initiative has included focus groups, meetings with community members and stakeholders, data collection, analysis of other cities’ diversity initiatives, and presentations to several boards and commissions. The initiative will serve as an update to the City of Bellevue Cultural Diversity Task Force Report, created in 1994.

Upcoming Events

This spring and summer, a series of roundtable discussions will begin focusing on issues and topics related to the six focus areas. A short video featuring key community leaders will be included as part of the roundtable agendas.

Key topics that will be addressed at these events include designing strategies related to educating the community about diversity-related issues, how to be more effective in outreach and engagement, meeting the challenges that come with diversity, and maximizing the benefits of being a diverse community.

When the project is complete, an open public forum is scheduled where the “Bellevue Diversity Plan” will be presented as a product of the Bellevue Diversity Initiative.



Written by Kevin P. Henry, Program Coordinator, Cultural Diversity Program, City of Bellevue.