The work of the Partnership is divided into four Ages & Stages that span the cradle to career continuum, in addition to a commitment to support health and wellbeing, and racial equity.
Each Ages & Stages has Collaborative Action Networks (CAN) – partners and stakeholders who represent the community and organizations who contribute to and modify the practices that positively influence outcomes for children, youth, and families in East King County.
View the Collaborative Work Cycle.
View the CAN participation pathways
We invite you, as a member of a CAN, to share the impact of your work. Please fill the form to share your impact story.

Eastside Early Learning Facilitators
Purpose: All Hispanic and Latino children in East King County are supported and prepared to enter and thrive through Kindergarten.
The Eastside Early Learning Facilitators (EELF) Project is based on the Promotores model where Latino community members are trained to be facilitators acting as a bridge between the community and Providers in East King County. Information about services for families with children from prenatal to five are shared with them through family visits and feedback from the community is brought back to Providers in order to drive system level changes for services to be equitable for the Latino community.
- Bellevue College
- Bellevue LifeSpring
- Bellevue School District
- Eastside Baby Corner
- Eastside Legal Assistance Program
- HealthPoint
- Hopelink
- India Association of Western Washington
- Individual Community Members
- Jubilee REACH
- KidsQuest Children’s Museum
- Kindering Center
- King County – Best Starts for Kids
- King County Housing Authority
- King County Library System
- Lake Washington Institute of Technology
- Lake Washington School District
- NISO Programs
- Program for Early Parent Support (PEPS)
- Youth Eastside Services
Every two months
View glossary of core concepts for Early Learning used frequently within the Eastside Pathways Partnership work.
Sandy Nathan
Community Engagement
Mindsets Essential Skills and Habits (MESH)
Purpose: All programs and supports for high school aged students and youth positively impact their SEL development to and through their postsecondary journey.
Diverse group of stakeholders (school districts, in and out of school Providers, youth and families) are convened to collaboratively build a framework that will support in and out of school Providers self-evaluate the efficacy and quality of their programs to center equity and the social emotional well-being of the youth they serve.
- Allegro Pediatrics
- Balmer Group (Funder)
- Bellevue LifeSpring
- Bellevue School District
- Bellevue Youth Link
- Bellevue YMCA
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Bellevue
- City of Bellevue
- India Association of Western Washington
- International Community Health Services
- King County Library Systems
- Lake Washington School District
- Lake Washington Schools Foundation
- LifeWire
- Padres Unidos
- Rainier Athletes
- Seattle Children’s Hospital
- University of Washington (Researcher & Funder)
- Youth Eastside Services
View glossary of core concepts for Early Learning used frequently within the Eastside Pathways Partnership work.
Sandy Nathan
Community Engagement
Career Pathways
Note: This CAN is inactive.
Purpose: Connect and strengthen relationships with leaders and organizations charged with serving young adults high school through entering a career of their choosing.
The group is focused on mentorship, two-way knowledge, graduation, summer melt and racial equity.
- Alliance of People with Disabilities
- Ashoka Seattle
- Bellevue College
- Bellevue School District
- Bellevue Youth Link
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound
- City of Bellevue
- Computing For All
- Hopelink
- Individual
- International Community Health Services
- Lake Washington Institute of Technology
- Lake Washington School District
- Mainspring Wealth Advisors
- Northwest Education Access
- T-Mobile
- YMCA of Greater Seattle
- Individual partners
View glossary of core concepts for data used frequently within the Eastside Pathways Partnership work.
Racial Equity
Purpose: To ensure race no longer determines outcomes for children and youth in E King County.
The CAN is focused on racial equity adaptive leadership, by centering people of color and racial systems issues.
All participants have signed the Eastside Pathways Equity Pledge and are committed to healing and creating changes as it relates to all four types of racism – personal, interpersonal, institutional, and structural.
Signing the Eastside Pathways Equity Pledge is a prerequisite for participating in this CAN.
Kalika Curry
Executive, Eastside Pathways Backbone
People of Color
Purpose: A space to connect and support leaders of color.
The group focuses on unpacking lived experience, collective healing and provides consultation on issues. Participation is anonymous.
Meetings: First Friday of the month
Kalika Curry
Executive, Eastside Pathways Backbone
White Affinity Space
Note: This CAN is currently inactive and will be restarted in early 2024. If you are interested in helping to relaunch this space, please reach out to Eastside Pathways Board members Cathy Habib or Tom Brewer.
Covid-19 Taskforce
Note: This CAN is inactive.
Purpose: Connect leaders and organizations to tackle community issues created and/or exacerbated by Covid-19.
Participants are focused on ensuring everyone in East King County has what they need to thrive during this dire time.
- Alliance of People with Disabilities
- Asian Counseling and Referral Service
- Attain Housing
- Backpack Meals
- Bellevue Arts Museum
- Bellevue Chamber of Commerce
- Bellevue College
- Bellevue Downtown Association
- Bellevue Family YMCA
- Bellevue LifeSpring
- Bellevue Presbyterian Church
- Bellevue School District
- Bellevue Schools Foundation
- Bellevue Youth Link
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Bellevue
- Camp Kindness Counts
- Centro Cultural Mexicano
- Child Care Resources
- Chinese Information and Service Center
- City of Bellevue
- City of Issaquah
- City of Kirkland
- City of Redmond
- City of Sammamish
- Computing For All
- Crainix Brain Health Institute
- Eastside Baby Corner
- Eastside Heritage Center
- Eastside Human Services Forum
- Eastside Interfaith Social Concerns Council
- Eastside Legal Assistance Program
- Eastside Refugee and Immigrant Coalition
- Friends of Youth
- Girls Giving Back
- Global Social Business Partners
- Hopelink
- Imagine Housing
- India Association of Western Washington
- Individual
- Issaquah School District
- Issaquah Schools Foundation
- Jubilee REACH
- KidsQuest Children’s Museum
- Kindering Center
- King County
- King County Housing Authority
- King County Library System
- King County Public Health
- Lake Washington Institute of Technology
- Lake Washington PTSA Council
- Lake Washington School District
- Lake Washington Schools Foundation
- League of Education Voters
- LifeWire
- Microsoft Corporation
- Muslim Community and Neighborhood Association
- NISO Programs
- Northminster Presbyterian
- Northshore School District
- Northwest Education Access
- Nourishing Networks
- Overlake Medical Center
- Overlake Park Presbyterian Church
- Padres Unidos
- PCC Community Markets
- Program for Early Parent Support (PEPS)
- Rainier Athletes
- Samena Swim & Recreation Club
- Sound Generations
- Sound Mental Health
- Sound Publishing
- The Ballmer Group
- The Garage, a Teen Cafe
- The Root Of Us
- Theo Tech
- Together Center
- Treehouse
- Tri-County Cradle to Career Collaborative
- United Way of King County
- Univision Seattle
- Washington State House of Representatives
- Washington State Legislature
- Westminster Chapel
- YMCA of Greater Seattle
Every two months. Click here for Zoom meeting details and past meeting materials
Equity in Communications
Purpose: Provide Spanish speaking families with information from the Lake Washington and Bellevue Schools Districts in a linguistically and culturally relevant manner so that the families can be engaged with their students’ educational journey. This allows parents to provide the best support and guide their students on their way to success in school, high school graduation, post-secondary education or training, and careers.
- Bellevue School District
- KidsQuest Children’s Museum
- King County Housing Authority
- Lake Washington School District
- Sage Advocacy
- Sistema Escolar USA
EIC meets virtually on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month.
Email for questions or to share school district-related content for the Facebook page or to be published in Noticias (content deadline is the Wednesday prior to the Monday publication).