Eastside Pathways Equity Pledge

“Start somewhere and follow it anywhere.” – Donella Meadows

During the co-development of our 2019-2021 Strategic Plan, our partners put pen to paper on their commitment to racial equity – “Race no longer determines outcomes”. In order to create movement on this aspirational goal the partnership needed a new framework that would “reduce harm and increase equity”. The Eastside Pathways Equity Pledge is the threshold to this new framework, outlining the values and resources needed to sustainable address racial inequities within our community.


Signing the pledge is a pre-requisite to participation in the Racial Equity CAN. While many organizations, communities, and individuals have their own commitment to equity, being a part of a this collective commitment is a critical step towards addressing inequities systemically.


When signing the pledge, please address racism in your person role and system.

  • By signing on behalf of an organization you are committing to adapting these organizations policies and practices.
  • By signing as an Organizational Partner you are committing to leveraging your role, influence and authority, to adapt things within your organizational authority and influence.
  • By signing as a Community Partner you are committing to adapt things within your community authority and influence.
  • And finally, as a Community Member or non-partner you are committing to contributing situationally.
Kalika Curry, Executive Director, Eastside Pathways Backbone
When we talk about race there are two major themes that come up along the racial divide, locally and at the national level. “We care and really want to do something about it” and “I can’t carry the burden of educating people on racism, while experiencing it myself every day and trying to all in the gaps to serve youth of color”. 

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(Kalika shared her thoughts in 2021, when she was the Community Engagement Manager)
Stephanie Cherrington, former Executive Director, Eastside Pathways
Now 10 years with Eastside Pathways Backbone, I can personally say that as a white woman my learning and understanding of racial equity has been a constant evolution. Listening, practicing, failing, succeeding, listening, practicing succeeding, failing, and so on. This forward and backwards pathway to understanding racial equity continues today. I know this is true for many others in our Partnership as well.

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(Stephanie shared her thoughts in 2021, when she was the Executive Director)
Dhaarmika Coelho, Founder & President, Camp Kindness Counts
We signed the pledge because we feel it is important to make space to honor the commonality, the uniqueness, and the strengths within each of us. We commit to supporting and learning from each other so we can grow as individuals and collectively as a community equitably. We seek to nurture this within our team but also with the children and adults we serve.