Scale and Sustain: A New Pathway to Lasting Change

Sep 4, 2024 | Blog

We’re excited to introduce a transformative new area of focus for Eastside Pathways: Scale and Sustain! This new area of work is designed to ensure that effective strategies developed and tested within our Partnership are available for adoption and maintained across our community to promote sustained systemic action and improved outcomes for all children, youth, and young adults.

Why Scale and Sustain?

The Scale and Sustain area of work addresses critical questions, including:

  • What happens after a Collaborative Action Network (CAN) ends?
  • How do we ensure proven and effective strategies, particularly those benefiting Black and Brown youth, aren’t abandoned?
  • How can partners who haven’t been involved in a CAN still engage and contribute?
  • How do we scale and sustain effective strategies for long-term sustainable success?

At its core, Scale and Sustain is about ensuring that strategies proven to improve outcomes are effectively adopted and maintained by organizations and communities. It fosters a culture of accountability and systemic change, centering the well-being and achievement of all young people in East King County.

What is Scale and Sustain?

Scale and Sustain focuses on the adoption and implementation of strategies that have been developed and tested, either within or outside of Eastside Pathways’ Collaborative Action Networks. This area of work provides organizations with the tools and knowledge to adopt successful strategies and continue making a positive impact.

While Collaborative Action Networks concentrate on creating and testing strategies for specific populations over a certain period, Scale and Sustain strategies ensure these strategies that have the potential for improved outcomes are available for adoption by a larger audience of partners and community organizations, ensuring they continue to improve outcomes long-term.

Strategies for 2024-2025

Several strategies are being housed under the Scale and Sustain Adoption Warehouse to address various areas of need:

  1. Providers Collective & Promotores Model | Kindergarten Readiness
  2. Noticias | Equity in Communication | K – 12
  3. Benchmark of Quality | High-school aged youth | Mental Health & Wellbeing
  4. Mentorship: Pizza with a Purpose | High-school and Beyond | Career Pathways
  5. People of Color Affinity Space | Adults | Racial Equity

Each of these strategies focuses on improving specific outcomes for different populations, with an emphasis on equitable opportunities and sustained support.

Learn More and Get Involved!

We encourage all partners and community members to learn more about each strategy by visiting our Scale and Sustain webpage.  If you have any questions or want to find out how you can get involved, please reach out to Sandy at

Join Us at the Scale & Sustain Mixer!

To kick off this new work, we invite all of our partners, community members, and anyone interested in learning more to join us for a Scale & Sustain Mixer on September 20, 2024, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Cascade Pizza Co – Bellevue.

This mixer is an opportunity to:

  • Connect and network with fellow partners and community members.
  • Learn about the goals and purpose of Scale and Sustain.
  • Build relationships with those committed to creating equitable opportunities for youth in East King County.

We hope to see you there!