
Teen Perspective: Internships

Teen Perspective: Internships

This fall, Eastside Pathways has hosted a student intern from the Big Picture School. Sophomore Oliver Tjalve has been working with Data Officer Kelly Jones on Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oliver and Kelly would like to share their experience—which, spoiler alert,...

Pizza With A Purpose

Pizza With A Purpose

Black and Hispanic students at Interlake High School had an unusual lunch last week. There were pizza and cookies, but there was also a purpose – to learn about career options and opportunities from mentors from different fields. Choosing a career is often hard, more...

Data Corner: Immunizations

Data Corner: Immunizations

We all know that tracking progress is essential. Over the last two years, Eastside Pathways has moved away from the detailed annual report (a static PDF that gets stale quickly) and toward a slimmer, story-based report (still PDF) paired with a series of always-fresh...

All-Partner Meeting: October

All-Partner Meeting: October

More than 50 executives from Eastside Pathways partner organizations gathered together at WISC Rainier Room for the third [and last] All-Partner Meeting for 2017 to look back at the year’s work, share successes, and explore the way forward. We were privileged to have...

Be The Change

Be The Change

The annual StriveTogether 2017 Cradle to Career Network Convening was held in Phoenix from October 3 to 5, with the theme Be the Change: Getting Results for Every Child. The Eastside Pathways team -- Stephanie Cherrington, Megan Kennedy, Cathy Habib, Kelly Jones, and...

Conversations on Equity

Conversations on Equity

Having a conversation around racial equity can be hard. But, it is necessary. The growing diversity, around the country and specifically our region, makes it imperative that such conversations become a focal point around the work we do. There is also much interest in...

September is Attendance Awareness Month!

September is Attendance Awareness Month!

As the 2017 school year begins in the Bellevue School District, there is a critical message being communicated to the community – “Right Place. Right Time. Ready to Learn!” The importance of regular attendance at school cannot be emphasized enough. Regular attendance...

Operation IDEATION

Operation IDEATION

Eastside Pathways was invited by Bellevue School District to present a challenge for the students taking part in Operation IDEATION. For Eastside Pathways, it was an excellent opportunity to integrate youth voice into their work. Operation IDEATION was a three-week...

Summer Learning Field Trip – Organizations Visited

Summer Learning Field Trip – Organizations Visited

The Summer Learning Field Trip group visited seven different programs provided by six organizations. Boys & Girls Club of Bellevue at Spiritwood Manor, Bellevue KidsQuest Children’s Museum, Bellevue Bellevue YMCA at Benjamin Rush Elementary School, Redmond...

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