
Eastside Pathways Racial Equity Team

Eastside Pathways Racial Equity Team

The Eastside Pathways Racial Equity Team (EPRET) functions as a resource and support for Eastside Pathways in viewing all our work through an “equity lens,” challenging institutional racism, and promoting racial equity throughout our community.  The team is led by Tom...

Partner Leadership Committee

Partner Leadership Committee

The Eastside Pathways Partner Leadership Committee (PLC) serves as the decision-making and accountability body for Eastside Pathways partnership.  Its role is to: Align individual and organizational actions Work with partner organizations to align resources and...

8 Yummy Tensions of Collective Impact

8 Yummy Tensions of Collective Impact

I had the great fortune of attending the first learning community of the Working Cities Challenge (WCC), an initiative led by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston to advance collaborative leadership and support ambitious work to improve the lives of low-income people in...

Systems Change: More than a Buzzword

Systems Change: More than a Buzzword

I left college hungry to find solutions to tough problems and, thanks to my upbringing, I was encouraged to focus on inequity. Four years later, after a powerful experience in the Peace Corps, I was convinced that education was the key to lifting not only communities,...

Partner Spotlight: Camp Kindness Counts

Partner Spotlight: Camp Kindness Counts

What role does Camp Kindness Counts play in the community? Camp Kindness Counts considers community-building to be one of our most important tenets!  We believe that by teaching our young people to be more empathetic and socially aware this will inspire them to want...

Partner Voices: Working Together – Working Better

Partner Voices: Working Together – Working Better

CISC (Chinese Information and Service Center) was started in Seattle in 1972 with the objective of helping non-English speaking elderly in the Chinese community. As the needs of the community grew, the organization responded by expanding its range of services to...

Bellevue Members Added to Best Starts for Kids Board

Bellevue Members Added to Best Starts for Kids Board

Several Bellevue figures were appointed to the Best Starts for Kids advisory board in December. Best Starts for Kids is King County Executive Dow Constantine’s initiative to ensure that all children in King County have the opportunity for a healthy life and are able...

End of Year Reflections

End of Year Reflections

As 2015 ends, we would like to share with you what Eastside Pathways backbone accomplished during the year and what we are looking forward to in 2016. Our greatest accomplishment was creating a strong foundation for systemic change with the benchmarks of the Strive...

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