
Closing in on Indicators and Metrics

Closing in on Indicators and Metrics

Eastside Pathways Closes in on Indicators and Metrics On December 16, over 35 participants joined the Eastside Pathways Core Team and Phase 2 Facilitators to review the development of indicators and metrics linked to six goals: Goal 1: Every child has a healthy start....

Working on Phase 2

Working on Phase 2

Eastside Pathways and its partners are working on Phase 2 of the plan.  After a summer spent developing and agreeing upon six organizational goals, Eastside Pathways and its partners entered “Phase 2.”  Over the next three months, Eastside Pathways’ partners and other...

National Grade Level Reading Challenge

National Grade Level Reading Challenge

Eastside Pathways Pursues National Grade Level Reading Challenge. On October 14, Eastside Pathways joined 153 other communities across the U.S. in committing to engage in the Campaign for Grade Level Reading. The Campaign is a collaborative effort by dozens of funders...

Forward Motion: Eastside Pathways’ Journey

Forward Motion: Eastside Pathways’ Journey

Eastside Pathways launched in June 2011 and since then much has happened. We had the goal of building a community-wide commitment to enabling every child to succeed in our public schools, acknowledging that it takes our entire community working together to make this...

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