Strengthening our Partnership with Data

Strengthening our Partnership with Data

When you work in the social services sector, you hear a lot of compelling stories of real people who’ve encountered adversity and then found relief or support to find a route for success. Those are the types of stories that we deploy to tug on funders’ heartstrings,...
Converting Talk to Action

Converting Talk to Action

Eastside organizations reinforce partnership for future goals. On May 4, representatives of children- and youth-focused organizations serving the East King County region gathered to network and connect over their shared purpose: to work towards equitable pathways and...
From the Deck of the Racial Equity Council

From the Deck of the Racial Equity Council

The Eastside Pathways Racial Equity Council (EPREC), formerly known as the Racial Equity Team, has stepped into its consultation role to support partners in staying on the leading edge of racial equity. EPREC members collectively share years of experience bringing...