Partner Programs Mapping
The Eastside Pathways Partnership has nearly 70 public, private, and nonprofit organizations, each with its own programs and services. Last year we took on the task of mapping their programs and services so that we can continue to leverage our work, reduce duplication and ensure existing gaps are filled.
The information contained in these charts was gathered through a survey sent to our partner organizations. Though not a complete view of all of Eastside Pathways Partner’s programs (47 organizations completed the survey), it provides a baseline from which we can build in the future.
We’d like to thank the Bellevue School District for their partnership and contribution to this project.
The overview chart is a good best place to start as it gives a summary of the work areas of the 47 organizations.
Below, the programs and services have been bucketed in five categories: activities, basic needs, education, healthcare and services.
Click on a tab within a category to view the details in different areas.

If you would like to add information about your organization, please email
The nature of collective impact is that we develop solutions together.