
Scale & Sustain Strategies

The focus on expanding and maintaining proven strategies or initiatives across various sectors and within organizations, with a focus on systemic implementation. In this phase, partners are adopting a known, tested strategy within their system and areas of influence to improve outcomes for our focus populations. 

Benchmark of Quality |
Outcome Areas: Mental Health & Wellbeing, High-school Graduation, Post-secondary Completion 

Adoption of a self-evaluation tool called the Benchmark of Quality to assess the quality and efficacy of programs for high-school aged youth that centers their wellbeing. The BoQ provides specific endpoints to frame the results of systemic change for providers looking to support the social emotional learning development of their students and youth.  

Mentorship: Pizza with a Purpose |
Outcome Areas: Mental Health & Wellbeing, High-school  and Beyond, Career Pathways

Youth-led mentorship program that cultivates meaningful connections between high school-aged students and professionals who look like them! Youth, with the support of coaches, explore the barriers to graduating prepared for the high school and beyond plan. Through this shared experience participants deepen their belonging and are empowered to take steps towards their post-secondary goals. 

Noticias | Equity in Communication |
Outcome Area: Early Learning, Kindergarten Readiness, Youth Engagement, Parent and Caregiver Engagement

The Eastside Early Learning Facilitators (EELF) Project is based on the Promotores model where Latinae community members are trained to be facilitators acting as a bridge between the community and Providers in East King County. 

People of Color Affinity Space | 
Outcome Area: Racial Equity 

A space designed to explore and celebrate while exploring the diversity of people of color. Participants experience individual and collective healing, fellowship, and practice honoring our roots and legacy.

Providers Collective & Promotores Model |
Outcome Area: Kindergarten Readiness 

Early Learning Providers (Organizations serving children & families entering school) collaborate with Community leaders from the focus population to support families with information, access, and power to modify and navigate systems to better support their children entering Kindergarten. 

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Why Scale & Sustain?

Scale and sustain strategies are vital for extending effective programs to more people, ensuring lasting impact. By implementing proven strategies across sectors and organizations, they drive meaningful change beyond isolated initiatives. This fosters cross-sectoral collaboration, sharing best practices and strengthening safety nets. Prioritizing the marginalized, these strategies advance equity and inclusivity, shaping a fairer society.


Share best practices


Foster collaboration


Increase effectiveness


Ensure sustainability


Enhance equity