Greetings –

As I am beginning to feel the season shift from summer to fall and we round the corner towards the last quarter of the year, I thought I would take the opportunity to connect.

The work of Eastside Pathways Partnership is systems change, and it does not come easily, in terms of both actual work and the outcomes. This has been particularly challenging in 2020 when we have faced unprecedented situations – the pandemic and the movement for racial equity and social justice.  Borrowing a phrase from a podcast I recently listened to, to sustain oneself in this work, it is critical to “focus on the incremental progress and the process” and be “faithful to the outcomes, not the program”.

A cornerstone to Eastside Pathways Strategic Plan is racial equity. As stated in the plan, Eastside Pathways Partnership will “identify, address, and take steps to dismantle racial inequities in systems and practices…”. That is a heavy cornerstone for sure. To move us forward, we have to take it step-by-step and focus on the progress.

For me, as a white woman, what this means is continued study, reading, and many, many conversations with my family and white friends, and friends of color to expand my knowledge and understanding. In my role as the Executive Director of the Backbone of the Partnership, it means using my formal authority in recruiting, hiring, and retaining a staff of diverse race, ethnicity, backgrounds, and ability.

It means that when I, and the Backbone staff, convene and facilitate convenings, there is a conscious and intentional focus on the role that racism and bias play in each partner’s communication, collection of data, and offering of programs and services. And in my role connected through the partnership to nearly 70 partners, it means using my informal influence to work with others who are in power to make systemic changes to policies and practices which perpetuate existing inequities.

It also means supporting the Eastside Pathways Board/Leadership Table in its work to change the current culture to one that ensures that all, regardless of race, ethnicity, or age, thrive, are empowered, and feel connected. We’re thankful to have a dedicated team of Black and Brown community leaders who are willing to co-develop what that specifically looks like.

When each one of us begins to take steps – small steps – is when systems will start changing. We all have spheres of influence – family, friends, neighborhoods, apartments, organizations – in which we have formal and/or informal authority to make changes. What will be your focus for incremental progress?

StriveTogether, the national network of collective impact communities, recently started a podcast series called Together for Change. Here are two recommendations from that series I would like to offer, which I hope will help you think about incremental progress:


I would love to hear from you on how you are making changes in your organization. Please write to me at


Stephanie Cherrington
Executive Director, Eastside Pathways