I had coffee yesterday with a friend whom I hadn’t seen in a while.  Our kids attended Sunday school together, and we had lots to catch up on.  It seems like it’s always hard to believe that almost two years had passed since our last conversation – in some ways, time truly flies by.

By chance, the last time we’d seen each other was at a BSF briefing at Lake Hills Elementary way back in January 2011 – the very briefing that started the conversation that led to the creation of Eastside Pathways.

It’s true that two years can go by in a seeming flash of an eye.  But in Bellevue, two years have seen the beginning of something amazing.  We’ve seen now 40 organizations come together, united by a common vision and commitment to support the success of every child.  We’re on the verge of launching an audaciously ambitious effort to ensure every child reads at grade level by 2016.  We’re starting the conversation of supporting older youth as they imagine and achieve their career and education goals.  And we’re contemplating expanding the work from a nucleus of 40 partner organizations to an effort that encompasses the whole community.

So, at this time of year, as I reflect back on everything that’s happened, I’m truly grateful to be part of a community that cares so much about kids that people are willing to embrace a new way of working together to help make things better.  I’m in awe of the leaders, from all parts of the community, who’ve stepped forward to make the work possible.  And I’m excited about the possibilities that the New Year brings, to start making tangible and sustained progress toward our vision of every child a success.

Happy Holidays!

Bill Henningsgaard

Executive Director, Eastside Pathways