What We Do

We aim to provide children, youth, and young adults
the opportunities they need to thrive and fulfill their potential.

The Partnership uses the collective impact framework with guidance from StriveTogether to engage and align public and private community organizations that are already supporting children, youth, and young adults. The Backbone mobilizes them to work more collaboratively and leverage their collective knowledge, expertise, and capacity to improve systems for children, youth, and young adults.


The evidence-based collective impact framework allows organizations to build “civic infrastructure” so that all children receive a high-quality education. This approach to educational equity is one that requires communities to hold themselves collectively accountable for student success from cradle to career and to continuously improve their support by letting data drive action and decision-making.

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The Backbone mobilizes and facilitates the Partnership (a group of more than 70 community organizations and individuals) to work collectively to build systems to ensure positive outcomes for children, youth, and young adults.

The Partnership uses the collective impact framework to bring Partners together to work better and smarter than they could alone. Partners now have a better understanding of who does what and how each can support one another’s efforts, reducing gaps and overlaps in services to work toward common goals.

The Partnership is committed to continuous improvement and a data-informed culture. It leverages the data expertise of Partners and uses data to understand problems, identify goals, and track metrics that define progress towards goals.

The Partnership follows research-based strategies and develops plans for successful implementation. Partners work together on goal areas that need improving and track continuous improvement to achieve common goals.