Bill Henningsgaard was the founding board chair and executive director of Eastside Pathways. His vision and drive launched our efforts to mobilize the community using the collective impact framework. Tragically, Bill passed away in August 2013.
To honor Bill’s commitment to children and his belief in the power of collective impact, the Eastside Pathways Board established the Bill Henningsgaard Fund for Children.
The purpose of the Grant is to assist in bettering the lives of, and creating opportunities for, children, youth, and young adults, by improving community systems in the Bellevue and Lake Washington School Districts catchment areas. Only Eastside Pathways Partners may apply for this annual grant.
Africans on the Eastside awarded the 2023 Grant
This year, the grant’s goal was to financially support an Eastside Pathways Partner working to identify, address and take steps to dismantle racial inequities within their own systems or communities that marginalize children, youth, young adults, and families.
Eastside Pathways is honored to present Africans on the Eastside (AOE) the $10,000 grant in Bill’s memory to partly fund their program, Culture Clash Series.
“The grant selection committee was impressed with the Culture Clash Series program designed, developed, and led by youth leaders to address mental health challenges. The grant will support their plan to use social media to educate and increase awareness about mental health and access to resources,” says Chris Enslein, Committee Chair.
Adam Dibba, Founder & Director, and Karen Smith Fraser, Director of Operations, share their delight. “Africans on the Eastside is so thankful and honored to receive this award to continue the important work Bill Henningsgaard was so passionate about – that of elevating the needs and voices of those impacted directly by racism and discrimination in our communities and institutions. Let us continue to build a stronger, more inclusive community where all members are valued and appreciated.”
AOE’s mission is to serve the diverse needs of students and their families through outreach and engagement, education, advocacy training, leadership opportunities, and development. The organization, comprised of parents, youth scholars, community members, and grassroots organizations, actively addresses the impacts of institutional racism and racial inequity, particularly on the Eastside.
Eastside Pathways is excited about the expansion of AOE’s program and its impact.
Past Grants
2022: Mental Health and Social Emotional Wellbeing – Youth Eastside Services
2021: Systems working to battle the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and racial inequity – Sistema Escolar USA
2020: Mental Health & Social Emotional Wellbeing among children and youth – Lake Washington Schools Foundation (Balance in Mind program)
2018: College and Career Readiness (middle and high school) – Boys & Girls Club of Bellevue – BE GREAT: Graduate (BGG) program
2017: Transitions (grades 8-9 and 12-college) – Sammamish Leads Program by Bellevue Schools Foundation
2016: Attendance and/or Tardiness – Community Truancy Board
2015: School Readiness and Early Learning – Chinese Information and Service Center
2014: Summer and Extended Learning – Bellevue YMCA