Conversations on Equity

Conversations on Equity

Having a conversation around racial equity can be hard. But, it is necessary. The growing diversity, around the country and specifically our region, makes it imperative that such conversations become a focal point around the work we do. There is also much interest in...
September is Attendance Awareness Month!

September is Attendance Awareness Month!

As the 2017 school year begins in the Bellevue School District, there is a critical message being communicated to the community – “Right Place. Right Time. Ready to Learn!” The importance of regular attendance at school cannot be emphasized enough. Regular attendance...
Operation IDEATION

Operation IDEATION

Eastside Pathways was invited by Bellevue School District to present a challenge for the students taking part in Operation IDEATION. For Eastside Pathways, it was an excellent opportunity to integrate youth voice into their work. Operation IDEATION was a three-week...
A Summer Field Trip With A Difference

A Summer Field Trip With A Difference

It was a summer field trip with a difference. There were no kids on the bus! Instead, 20 adults went on their first Summer Learning Field Trip to see summer programs offered by a few organizations on the Eastside. Organized by the Summer and Extended Learning...