PEG Summit: Reflections

PEG Summit: Reflections

The Pacific Education Group (PEG) summit is an annual opportunity for individuals and organizations to engage in deepened conversations about systemic racism and its impact on opportunity and achievement for all people. Utilizing the Courageous Conversation™ Protocol,...
Attendance Counts!

Attendance Counts!

More than 4,300 students in the Bellevue and Lake Washington School Districts were “chronically absent,” in the 2016-17 school-year. This means they missed more than 10% of the school year. Our region struggles with school absences – and chronic...
Job Openings

Job Openings

We are hiring! Eastside Pathways is looking for people who are passionate about ensuring better outcomes for children, cradle to career. A Data Officer who will develop, lead, and implement a comprehensive data strategy. Click here for the JD A Communications Manager...
Collaborative Convening 2018

Collaborative Convening 2018

The first Eastside Pathways Collaborative Convening saw a gathering of more than 80 community members – partner executives, members of collaboratives, and community leaders – who came together to celebrate the work of the collaboratives and appreciate the commitment...