The first Eastside Pathways Collaborative Convening saw a gathering of more than 80 community members – partner executives, members of collaboratives, and community leaders – who came together to celebrate the work of the collaboratives and appreciate the commitment of its members.

Read the highlights of the work that was shared as well as thoughts from some community leaders. Also, read the responses to questions submitted by the audience.

Thought Leadership  |  School Readiness  |  Summer & Extended Learning  |  Attendance  |  Career Pathways  |  Mental Health and Wellbeing  |  Business Engagement Group  |  Community Engagement for Cultural Integration  |  Eastside Pathways Racial Equity Team  |  Data Council


The convening led to creating additional relationships and broadening of awareness and understanding of the work we do together, to more effectively shape systems, which better serve all children, cradle to career, in our communities. The audience also had the opportunity to ask questions which can be read here along with responses.


We’d like to acknowledge and appreciate Cathy Habib, lead facilitator for Eastside Pathways for being our fabulous interviewer.

Thank you to the presenters from each collaborative for sharing your work.

Thank you to Pastor Jim McEachran and his team at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church for hosting the event and supporting the work of Eastside Pathways.

Thank you to Jennifer Karls and Beverly Jacobson for your time and commitment.

And, last but not the least, a heartfelt thanks to all our facilitators and co-leads of the collaboratives, members of the collaboratives, and partner executives.

Thank you for the work you do!